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Amish Made Chicken Coops in Lancaster PA

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Quality Amish Pre-Built Chicken Coops - with Delivery

Amish craftmanship goes into every hen house we make. We offer a wide variety of features to keep your chickens protected and safe all year long. From small backyard coops with runs, to chicken coops on wheels, and even large hen houses that hold up to 100 chickens, we're your one stop shop for all your backyard chicken needs! Looking to buy a chicken coop that will look beautiful on your property and keep your chickens living in luxury? Call or email us today to find out which of our coops is right for you!

Not finding what you want? Ask us about customizations!
Orders and questions can be emailed to us at


When chickens are allowed to roam freely within a chicken coop or backyard they produce delicious free-range eggs; opposed to the confinement that factory-farmed chickens endure. If you'd like to collect fresh, free-range eggs conveniently from your own backyard, email us to order your new chicken coop today!

How do we differ from the rest? Lancaster Chicken Coops come in many different styles and sizes as well as offering customized options so you can build the coop that suits your needs. You will now be able to care for your chickens in style and comfort...and they will thank you by producing top-quality eggs!

Not sure what style to pick?

Our customer service rep can help you decide which coop will work best for you and your chickens. Shoot us an email today to discuss coop add-on options, over 20 color choices, and customizing your coop!

About UsOur OptionsWhat's Included?TestimonialsFrequently Asked QuestionsCustom Chicken CoopsColor ChoicesOur Sales Terms and ConditionsOur Refund Policy

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